NetSupport Support Tool


A Support Tool has been created for NetSupport Manager and NetSupport School/Inform, which gathers detailed information required to assist our Technical Support team, should you encounter a problem. The Support Tool gathers details from the machine where the Support Tool has been executed, this Tool then collects and stores these details within a .Zip file.

Please run this support tool on both the Client and Control for NetSupport Manager problems and the Student and Tutor machines for NetSupport School/Inform Problems.

The Version of the Support Tool that can be downloaded from this document is the same as the version that is currently shipped with NetSupport Manager 10.60, if you are currently running NetSupport Manager 10.60 or above there is no need to download the file from this document. If you are running any previous versions of NetSupport School or NetSupport Manager please download the file at the bottom of this document as this version of the support tool gathers more detailed information than previous versions of the tool.

The information gathered by the Support Tool is as follows:


Using the Support Tool for NetSupport School/Inform or NetSupport Manager 

1. Browse to C:\Program Files\NetSupport School\ (also is attached to this article)

2. Execute the SupportTool.exe on the NetSupport Control/Tutor machine and the NetSupport Client/Student, where you are encountering an issue.

3. Select NetSupport Manager or NetSupport School/Inform from the Product drop down list.

4. Click Generate to enable the Support Tool to gather the required details.

5. Click Save...

6. Then Save the .Zip file to your machine. Please note the default save location is the Support folder within the installation directory of NetSupport Manager or NetSupport School/Inform (I.e. C:\Program Files\NetSupport Manager\Support)

If you where to encounter any problem with either NetSupport Manager or NetSupport School/Inform, please send a copy of the .Zip file(s) created by the Support Tool, to our Technical Support team as this will enable them to investigate your issue more effectively.