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Diskeeper Administrator Ports and Deployment

Article ID: 99
Last updated: 22 Feb, 2011
Views: 2400
Posted: 19 Apr, 2010
by: Gurrie A.
Updated: 22 Feb, 2011
by: Gurrie A.
In this document:

Use the Install and Uninstall Diskeeper task to install or uninstall Diskeeper Professional, Pro Premier, Server, EnterpriseServer, or V-locity components on selected computers across your network. Be aware that you must have valid Diskeeper or V-loctiy licenses for the computers on which you intend to install Diskeeper or V-locity. If you do not have licenses available, Diskeeper or V-locity will be installed in Try and Buy mode, with full functionality, but for a limited time only. 

Note that you must have administrative permissions on all the selected computers to deploy Diskeeper or V-locity. If necessary, you will be prompted for the appropriate credentials. 

The Install and Uninstall Diskeeper or V-locity task establishes a network connection with the selected machines, then installs the selected Diskeeper edition or V-locity component to those computers. It relies on having the installable Diskeeper or- Vaughn-locity package(s) available to be installed. The first time you deploy Diskeeper or V-locity, you are prompted to browse for the installation package you intend to use. You can use either a CD-ROM or downloaded installation package. Once you choose the Setup.exe file, the installation package is copied to the Administrator database. If you have previously selected an installation package, the Install Diskeeper or V-locity wizard will display the edition and version or component of the package, and allow you to browse for a different package if desired.

If you try to deploy a Diskeeper version or V-locity component that is not compatible with the target machine, a message explaining the situation is displayed. Messages are also displayed to let you know the status of the installations. 

Diskeeper or V-locity installation is performed as a "job", meaning the operation can be run immediately or scheduled to run at a later time 

You can also use the PushInstall feature to uninstall Diskeeper or V-locity from machines across your network.

In addition to PushInstalling Diskeeper or V-locity across your network, Diskeeper Administrator can check the Diskeeper Corporation website for newer versions of Diskeeper or V-locity, and when found, deploy the new versions to your managed Diskeeper or V-locity computers. 

You can set Diskeeper Administrator to check daily for updates, and send an e-mail message or display a desktop notification message to inform you when updates are available. You can also manually check for updates any time you want.

In order to deploy Diskeeper or V-locity and remotely control Diskeeper or V-locity computers with Diskeeper Administrator, computers running Diskeeper Administrator must be configured to allow communication via these ports:
Diskeeper Administrator PushInstall port: 31029 — Diskeeper Administrator uses this port to deploy Diskeeper or V-locity to remote computers.

Diskeeper Administrator management port: 31037 — Diskeeper Administrator uses this port communicate with Diskeeper or V-locity on remote computers after the PushInstall process.

Diskeeper Administrator console port: 31036 — The Diskeeper Administrator remote control console receives data from remote Diskeeper or V-locity computers via this port.

Spare Diskeeper Administrator console ports: 31056, 31076, 31096, 31116, 31136, 31156, 31176, 31196, and 31216 — Diskeeper Administrator will use these ports if the default ports are unavailable.
Diskeeper Administrator SQL port: 1434 — Diskeeper Administrator uses this port to browse SQL servers on the network, allowing you to select one for the Diskeeper Administrator database.

In addition, these ports must be opened on any remote computers being managed by Diskeeper Administrator to
allow the communication necessary between the remote computer and Diskeeper Administrator:

Port 139 or 445 (already open if File and Print Sharing is enabled) — These ports work with port 31029 for Diskeeper or V-locity deployment.

Port 31038 or 31058 — These ports work with port 31037 for communication between Diskeeper or V-locity and Diskeeper Administrator.

The Diskeeper Administrator PushInstall feature relies on a shared folder named ADMIN$ on each of the target computers. The ADMIN$ share exists by default on Windows systems, unless it has been specifically disabled.

Here are two ways to check for the presence of the ADMIN$ share on your computers:

  • Open Windows Explorer and enter \\computer_name\ADMIN$ in the Address field (where computer_name is the name of the computer you are checking). If the share does not exist, an error message will be displayed. If it does exist, the contents of the WINNT folder will be shown. 
  • Right-click My Computer and select Manage to open the Windows Computer Management applet. Next, select System Tools | Shared Folders | Shares. The right-hand pane will display a list of all shares for that computer, including ADMIN$ if it exists. 
If the ADMIN$ share has been removed or disabled on your computer, Please follow the Microsoft guide located here: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/314984

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