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Disabling http requests for favicon.

Article ID: 80
Last updated: 09 Feb, 2010
Views: 2538
Posted: 09 Feb, 2010
by: Gurrie A.
Updated: 09 Feb, 2010
by: Gurrie A.


NetSupport using a http request from the Tutor machine to the website currently being viewed by the student in order to retrieve the favicon.ico.

This can become an issue in some school environments where acusations are made against teachers.

We have the ability to keep a history of what the student was looking at via the web filtering -> History option.

This can be also exported.

If we wish to disable the http request from the tutor we can follow the steps below.


1. On the NetSuport School Tutor machine open the registry and Browse to the following registry location:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\NetSupport Ltd\PCICTL\ConfigList\NetSupport School 

2. Add the following registry key:

ValueName: UI\DisableWebIcons
Value: 1

Using the above method will still allow the Tutor to use the Web Control Feature but the Tutor will no longer attempt to access any of the Sites the Students access to collect the Web Icon information.

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