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Command based connection with PCICTLUI.exe

Article ID: 88
Last updated: 01 Mar, 2010
Views: 5805
Posted: 01 Mar, 2010
by: Gurrie A.
Updated: 01 Mar, 2010
by: Gurrie A.


The NetSupport Control program ( pcictlui.exe ) accepts command line options to automate connections or to restrict functionality. 

When attempting to start a profile with a password set the user will be presented with a dialog which will also allow them to change which profile they are using-Unless you use the /F option with the /N option. 


Pre Version 7.0 

Pcictlui [/N Profile name] |[/F/N Profile name] [/R Replay file] [/U IP|TC|NBn] [/D Remote Network ] [/C Client Name | "Address"] [/G Group Name] 

Post Version 7.0 

Pcictlui [/N Profile name] [/F/N Profile name] [/R Replay file] [/U IP|TC|NBn] [/D Remote Network ] [/C Client Name | "Address"] [/G Group Name] [/V] [/VC] [/VW] [/VS] [/E] [/R Filename] 

Post Version 8.0 

Pcictlui [/N Profile name] [/F/N Profile name] [/R Replay file] [/U IP|TC|NBn] [/D Remote Network ] [/C Client Name | "Address"] [/G Group Name] [/V] [/VC] [/VW] [/VS] [/E] [/R Filename] [/A] [/I] 

/N Profile Name 

Use the named configuration. The configuration is created in the control using "Configurations..." from the "Tools" menu. NOTE When using control configuration profiles, it is advisable to password protect configurations and keep the standard configuration unchanged to avoid locking yourself out of the control 


Used with the /N switch to restrict the control to only use the chosen profile. 

/R Replay file 

Display the replay file. 

/U protocol 

Use the protocol(s). IP for IPX/SPX, TC for TCP/IP and NBn for NetBIOS using the numbered stack n from 0-7. 

/D Remote Network 

Dial into the Remote Network. 

/C Client Name | "Address" 

Connect to the Client by name or Address. There can be multiple /C connections. Enter the Address in the format:" >address" where the protocol is IPX for IPX/SPX, TCP for TCP/IP and NBn for NetBIOS using the numbered stack n from 0-7. 

/G Group Name 

Connect to the Group. 


Open view window (share mode) must be used with the /C parameter 


Open View window (Control mode) must be used with the /C parameter 


Open View window (Watch mode) must be used with the /C parameter 


Open View window (share mode) must be used with the /C parameter 


The Control Exits when the view session ends (used in conjunction with /V*) 

/R Filename 

Starts the Control and plays the replay file 


Starts the Control and establishes a Chat session with the Client must be used with the /C parameter 


Starts the Control and displays the Inventory information fro the Client must be used with the /C parameter 


pcictlui /f /n restricted 

Will load with the restricted profile and will not allow the user to change which profile they are trying to load. 

pcictlui /n restricted 

Will load with the restricted profile. When the user is prompted for a password they can change which profile they are using. 

pcictlui /d remote_site /c my_machine 

Will connect to the remote network remote_site and attempt to connect to the machine my_machine. 

pcictlui /c">" 

Will attempt to connect to the machine with the IP address 

pcictlui /u nb4 

Will load using NetBIOS stack 4 

pcictlui /unb1 /unb3 /uip /utc 

Will load using NetBIOS stacks 1 & 3 , IPX and TCP/IP

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