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How to Disable Chat

Article ID: 101
Last updated: 27 May, 2010
Views: 6866
Posted: 27 May, 2010
by: Gurrie A.
Updated: 27 May, 2010
by: Gurrie A.


In some situations it is necessary to disable chat in order to have a smooth running class.

More Information

This can be done fairly easily as long as you have the following:

  • A computer with Network Administrator access OR local administrator over the client computers.
  • NetSupport School Deploy (Part of installation)
  • Client Configuration tools (Part of installation)
  • Access to the remote machines admin$ share


This is a relatively simple procedure and follows in very closely with your initial deployment of the software.

  1. In windows, Click Start -> Programs/All Programs -> NetSupport School -> NetSupport School Deploy

On the left hand side you are presented with your Domains/Workgroups/IP Addresses.

  1. Locate and select the computers you want to deploy a configuration change too.
  2. Right Click on one of the selected computers
  3. Select Deploy -> Client Configuration
  4. In the new window that appears Select Properties

If this is the first time you have attempted to push out a new configuration you will need to follow these steps to select the configuration file.

  1. Select Browse
  2. Scroll down the file/folder list on the right hand side to "Client32.ini".
  3. Click 'Open'

Continuation of config:

  1. Select 'Edit'
  2. On the left hand side category, select 'User Interface'
  3. On the right hand side within 'Menu Items', Check 'Disable Chat'

This is what is required to disable student chat options.

It is always good practice to make sure a security key is set. This is done within the 'Security' Category, 'Security Key'

  1. Select 'OK'.
  2. A window will appear asking you to restart the client. Select "Yes"
  3. Select 'OK' to leave the Client configuration properties.
  4. Select 'Deploy'

Assuming you have the correct access & permissions you should now see the configuration file being copied to your selected computers.

If you have any problems please take a quick look through our knowledge base for suggested answers.

If your error is not within the list, please contact us on 1800 674 935.

Written by Adam Gurrie 27/05/2010

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