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Where does NetSupport School store files

Article ID: 126
Last updated: 07 Oct, 2010
Views: 6050
Posted: 07 Oct, 2010
by: Gurrie A.
Updated: 07 Oct, 2010
by: Gurrie A.

Files that the Tutor Console will write too:

Application List File : NetSupport School.app
Web List File : NetSupport School.web
Survey List File : NetSupport School.sul
Word List File : NetSupport School.wdl
Layout File : _Default.lyt
Client File : client.nss
Group File : group.nss

The above files by default are all stored in the Users Profile under the Application Data section see example location from Windows 7 machine, these file location are all configurable however from within the Tutor Console:

C:\users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\NetSupport\NetSupport School

If you also enable the option Shared Data files within the Tutor this will then changes these files to all be stored under the All Users Profile to allow the files to be available to each user that logs onto the machine.

Registry locations that the Tutor Console will write too:

By default the Tutor will store its configuration in the following location:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\NetSupport Ltd\PCICTL\ConfigList\NetSupport School

However this will also write information to the following registry location, the Tutor can also be configured to write all of its configuration to the below location if this is preferred to the above:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Productive Computer Insight\PCICTL\ConfigList\NetSupport School

Files that the NetSupprt School Student will write too:

The NetSupport Student Configuration is written to the client32.ini file located in the NetSupport School installation folder:

C:\Program Files\NetSupport\NetSupport School\

Registry locations that the NetSupoprt School Student will write too:

The Student will write an Auto reconnect string to the registry when a Tutor machine connects to the machine to allow this to connect back

HKLM\Software\Productive Computer Insight\Client32\AutoReconnect

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