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Direct X 10 Disabled after installing NetSupport Manger/School

Article ID: 89
Last updated: 01 Mar, 2010
Views: 4167
Posted: 01 Mar, 2010
by: Gurrie A.
Updated: 01 Mar, 2010
by: Gurrie A.

It has been discovered that under certain circumstances DirectX functions could be left disabled following a remote Control session when using NetSupport Manager NetSupport School. 

To resolve the problem first re-enable DirectX this can be achieved by modifying the below registry key: 
Open the below registry key: 
Change the Timeout value to 7 

To stop the problem from reoccurring PCI has provided a fix to the problem, which is now, included in NetSupport Manager version 7.01 and later and NetSupport School version 6.00 setup files. To check if you need to obtain and apply the solution for NetSupport Manager or NetSupport School please follow the procedure below: 

For NetSupport Manager start the NetSupport Manager Control, from the Control window select the {About} option from the Help drop down menu. Next select the {Technical Support} tab. If the version of the PCICL32.DLL file is earlier then V7.01f2 then the fix is not installed. 

For NetSupport School start the NetSupport School Tutor, from the Tutor window select the {About} option from the Help drop down menu. Next select the {Technical Support} tab. If the version of PCICL32.DLL file is earlier then V7.00f3 then the fix is not installed. 

To get the latest versions of NetSupport Manager and NetSupport School please visit http://www.pixel.com.au/products 

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