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Logon Script to copy license files

Article ID: 93
Last updated: 15 Mar, 2010
Views: 4026
Posted: 15 Mar, 2010
by: Gurrie A.
Updated: 15 Mar, 2010
by: Gurrie A.


It is sometimes required to utilise a logon script to copy license files to existing clients/tutors/managers.


Attached below is a logon script.

After some slight configuration this will work for both NetSupport Manager or NetSupport School.

You will require a share that has read access.

You will also need to uncomment the 2 location files depending if its School or Manager.

Commented lines start with '

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Attached files
file licandconfcheck_100331144725.zip (1 kb)

Also listed in
folder NetSupport -> NetSupport Manager

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